From Ouagadougou we went in search of some real African wildlife in the form of elephants, we went to a park where there was supposed to be elephants sightings every day but of course sure enough once we arrived they decided not to show! So it was further south into Bukina Faso we headed to see some Hippos and they did not disssapoint, we took an early morning pirouge(dug out canoe) trip and saw quite a few, although we felt we were in Africa already it was good to finally see something unique to this vast continent.
After visiting some amazing rock formations which are only found here and in Australia, the Bungle Bungles and taking a refreshing shower in a beautiful waterfall it was time to head for Ghana.

One of the more friendly thirsty elephants.

Finally we got our elephants, we first headed to Mole National park in the north and along the road there I saw something moving through the trees and after a second take I could not beleive my eyes....5 huge African elephants moving through the bush!! Mole was a treat with lots of wart hogs, baboons and elephants, we chilled out there for a few days waiting for Leo and Dereck to catch us up, once they arrived we all decided to head out on foot into the park to get up close to the elephants......and boy did we get more than we bargained for. Along with our guide PK who had an elephant gun we watched about 6 elephants playnig in
a lagoon then an elephant began to circle around behind us, PK was cool and slowly tried to dter the elephant away by throwing a few sticks but the elephant did not retreat but only became more angry, PK all of a sudden was using more haste in throwing his sticks at the elephant, we could not go in the water as it was full of crocodiles and of course to our front was a huge angry elephant, the elephant was flapping its ears and started toward us, at this stage I thought what the hell and started picking up sticks myself and throwing them but what were we thinking these sticks were nothing to this animal.
Nothing was going to stop this charging elephant so PK loaded his rifle and let a round go above its head, it worked the elephant turned and ran with its tail in the air, all our hearts were beating fast and the adreniline running, we could not beleive that an elephant had just charged us. So back to the park headquarters we went to buy our new mate PK a beer, we learnt there that in 20 years he had never fired his rifle in such a circumstance.

This is cool PK before the elephant charged.

From there we headed for the coast for some much needed relaxation by the beach, then onto Accra the countries capital. So next we have Togo, Benin then Nigeria which still is said to be such a bad place to go but soon we can have our own opinion. Also at the moment Angola is not giving out visas so thats going to be another problem to solve as we get closer, they do give 5 day transit visas but the country is almost 2000 kilometers in length and the roads are said to be in a state, plus the rainy season has begun, fun fun fun in Africa. I think the adventure has yet to really begin.
Beach on the Ghana coast, Green Turtle Lodge