Before the embassy visit we took a visit to the port to check out the situqtion for a boat to Yemen, news was bleak, one left last night which was of no use anyway as we are yet to get a visa and the next is maybe Wednesday, maybe Thursday! So our request for 2 nights at Hotel British Consulate has turned into 4 and will be stretched to another 3 atleast, Africa is hanging onto me for a little longer just to test my patience, it will not win!
So our day consists of waiting in the Yemen embassy, going to the internet and eating tuna sandwiches, anything else is to expensive to touch. Yesterday we did take a trip to Lake Assal, the lowest point in Africa, 161 meters below sea level, the landscape of Djibouti is one big lava field spectacular to look at but good for nothing else. At the Lake you can see were the earth is actually splitling apart to which one day this portion of Africa will actual become an island!